Senior girls are my jam. I love coming up with unique ideas to make their senior photo session one of a kind. I don’t know about you but standing out is fun for me! My girls always get hair and makeup done by my staff stylist Hailey - she really knows what she’s doing, and I love how natural Makayla looked for her photos. She doesn’t normally wear makeup, so we wanted to make sure she felt comfortable and liked her photos too. I love how Hailey kept her skin fair and she just shinned through!
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Brooklynn's Senior Session / Leslie Whitaker Photographer, Senior Photographer - Louisiana Photographer
in Seniors
First, Brooklynn is stinkin’ gorgeous. When she told me she wanted to be a doctor I thought to myself, “ go on with yo bad self.” Brooklynn was so easy to work with too! Her smile would seriously light up a room, and I can’t wait to see how much she loves Millsaps. Located in Jackson, Mississippi (my old stomping ground, I grew up in Vicksburg and Jackson), Millsaps boast 100 acres, but enrolls less than 1,000 students total. The campus is beautiful, the staff is small and I know that Brooklynn will have the chance to flourish in her chosen path. I hope she chooses to go to medical school at UMC, but wherever she goes I know that she is going to do so well. :)