Mommin’ is hard, a lot of the time. We lay down at night and think about all the things that we didn’t finish, didn’t do right or certainly could have done better. The laundry is never completely done, and most of the time their are dishes in the sink ( at least at my house). Regardless of all of the shortcomings we think we have, our babies don’t see any of that. Give yourself some grace, take photos with your babies. It won’t be this way for long.
longview mommy and me photographer
Mommy and Me - Dana + Noah - Shreveport Photographer - Leslie Whitaker Photography
Our babies are going to grow up so quickly. We’ll wake up, and they’ll be off to college, married and having kids of their own. We’ll be celebrating their dream jobs, or their first home purchase. We will barely remember them this little. Take the time to document your babies, and make sure you’re in the photos too!